‘The Show Must Go On’: Transgression and the Carnivalesque in Moulin Rouge!

The Cheaters

Breaching Bounds: The Confronting Body in Miranda Nation’s Undertow

Rolling in the Deep: Jane Castle’s When the Camera Stopped Rolling

Dance of Despair: Israel, Trauma and Samuel Maoz’s Foxtrot

Girls Behaving Badly: Love, Honour and Disobedience in Sophie Hyde’s Animals

Movies, Life, and Education

Beyond Borders: Translation and Cultural Authenticity in Hirokazu Koreeda’s The Truth

Terror, Tragedy, Truth: Anthony Maras’ Hotel Mumbai

The Getting of Wisdom

Women on the Verge: Haifaa Al Mansour’s The Perfect Candidate

Colonial Inquest: Les McLaren and Annie Stiven’s Life Is a Very Strange Thing

Alvin Purple

Alien in Australia: Science Fiction, Refugee Politics and The Stranger

The Tyranny of the Unspoken: The Silences, Autoethnography and Mental Health

Judge, Jury and Executioner: Voyeurism and Vigilantism in Alex Roberts and Daniel Leclair’s The Meddler

Finding Home in a Daydream: Shahrbanoo Sadat’s The Orphanage and Afghan Storytelling

Quiet Rage: The Fire and Finesse of Lee Chang-dong’s Cinema

Film Teaching: A Polemical Introduction

Lolita: Neither Heard nor Seen


A Dense Web of Relationships: How Film Culture Sustains the Screen Industries

The Marvellous Journey: A Talk by John Flaus at the Science Fiction Eastercon

Men Behaving Badly: Don’s Party

Australian Gothic: Greg McLean on the Genesis of Wolf Creek

The Fullness of Time: The Anime Films of Mamoru Hosoda

Swapping Goats for Snakes: Australian Survivor, Narrative Complexity and Audience Expectations


Toys Are Us: Feminism, Consumerism and Becoming in Barbie

Alone Together: Gregor Jordan on Adapting the Intangible in Dirt Music

Performance, Transgression and Transformation: Angie Black’s The Five Provocations

Out of Breath: Timely Issues and Old Gender Tropes in Seth Larney’s 2067

Outback Ethnography: Revisiting Fred Zinnemann’s The Sundowners

Peer to Peer: Helping Teens Navigate Friendship in the Age of Social Media

All-access Pass? Film Festivals Go Viral

Funny Women on Demand: Australian Female Comedians on Screen

Ghost in the Algorithm: Justin Krook’s Machine and Advancing AI

A Fetching Achievement

Old Journal, New Media

Darkness in the Spotlight: Binaries and Brutality in Zhang Yimou’s Shadow