Fragmented Feelings: Matthew Victor Pastor’s The Neon Across the Ocean

Peonies of Pyongyang: Women in North Korean Cinema

Bathing in Genre: Homage and Experimentation in Parish Malfitano’s Bloodshot Heart

Phase Change: Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s Cemetery of Splendour

An Acquired Taste: Warwick Ross and Rob Coe on Blind Ambition

Too Close to Home: Nuclear Nightmares in Jeff Daniels’ Television Event

Mechanisms of Control: Yaara Bou Melhem on Unseen Skies

Lives Adrift: Julian Burnside and Judy Rymer on Border Politics

Mirror Image: Thomas M Wright on The Stranger

Echoes of Tradition: Paul Williams’ Elegy for Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu

The Art of Meta-morphosis: Julian Rosefeldt’s Manifesto

For Richer or Poorer: Marriage, Market Economics and Olivia Martin-McGuire’s China Love

Romancing the Stone: Outback Adventures of a Different Kind in Japanese Story

The Fullness of Time: The Anime Films of Mamoru Hosoda

Fragments and Textures: Memory and the City in Zheng Lu Xinyuan’s The Cloud in Her Room

Laughter Through Tears: Palestine and Self-portraiture in the Films of Elia Suleiman

Dawn of the Dad: Masculinity and Maturity in Abe Forsythe’s Little Monsters

Smashing Barriers to Entry: Screen Australia’s Drama-development Funding Overhaul

Hip-hop of a Different Hue: Cultural Appreciation and Identification in Oscar Kightley’s Dawn Raid

Unfinished Business: Fame, Mythology and Kasimir Burgess’ The Leunig Fragments

On the Precipice: Real and Unreal Worlds in Wakefield

Forever Young: Music and Mystery in Sam Zubrycki’s Miguelito: Canto a Borinquen

Sense and Serendipity: David Wenham’s Ellipsis

Lingering Notes: A Song Cycle Remembered in Philippa Bateman’s Wash My Soul in the River’s Flow

‘Don’t Do It Again’: Hearing, Seeing and Deep Listening in After the Apology

Unlucky Country: Malediction and Middle-class Malaise in James Vaughan’s Friends and Strangers

The Pelican Brief: The Shallow Reflections of Shawn Seet’s Storm Boy

Cathartic Moves: Competition and Community in Luke Cornish’s Keep Stepping

Trash and Treasure: Mitch McTaggart on Reviewing Australia on the Small Screen

Film Appreciation – A New Approach

Hard Pill to Swallow: Vitamania and the Science Behind Supplements

Goodbye Neighbours; Hello Reality

Lovesick: Bill Mousoulis and the ‘Outside World’

Homeward Bound: The Perils of Duty and Palestinian Society in Annemarie Jacir’s Wajib

Darkness Calls: Robert Nugent’s Night Parrot Stories and Contemporary Documentary Making

Tragedy and Levity: Philippe Mora, Family History and Monsieur Mayonnaise

Kiss Me Deadly: Robbie Studsor on Blowing a Burning Kiss to Film Noir

The Sense of Being Somewhere: Mind at War, Thalu: Dreamtime Is Now and the Rise of Virtual Reality